Present invention relates to an ultrasonically-triggered drug vehicle with magnetic resonance imaging function. In the delivery system of the invention, the drug vehicle carrying certain drug (or drugs) is detectable by magnetic resonance imaging, and the release of drug is triggered by ultrasonication when the drug vehicle arrives at target site and accumulates to a desirable concentration. The MRI-guided drug delivery system provides improved accuracy of drug releasing, including position and timing.本發明係關於具磁振造影對比功能之超音波觸發型藥物載體與系統,其透過磁振造影進行藥物載體之影像追蹤,待藥物載體到達特定標靶位置並累積至足夠濃度時,再藉由超音波觸發藥物釋出,如此可使釋藥位置與時機的準確度大幅提高,並藉此降低藥物之副作用。