[PROBLEMS] To improve the blood flow and nerve flow, and to relieve pain and fatigue by stimulating the acupuncture points on the foot, breaking and activating hydrogen cells of the cells and blood flow in the sole and various components. Provide a functional insole that can. An insole 2 itself is irradiated by irradiating a material of an insole made of resin, cloth, paper or leather under a temperature condition of 20 ° C. to 90 ° C. for 2 to 12 hours under a resonant electromagnetic wave of 32 to 38 terahertz. Is used as the transfer radiator of the resonance electromagnetic wave, and the resonance electromagnetic wave 3 of 32 to 38 terahertz is radiated to the sole 1. [Selection] Figure 1【課題】足裏のツボを刺激し、足裏の細胞や血流の水分や各種成分の水素結合を分断し、活性化することで、血行や神経の流れを改善し、疼痛や疲労を緩和できる機能性インソールを提供する。【解決手段】32~38テラヘルツの共鳴電磁波を、2~12時間、20℃~90℃の温度条件下で、樹脂や布や紙や皮製のインソールの素材に照射することで、インソール2自体を共鳴電磁波の転写放射体とし、32~38テラヘルツの共鳴電磁波3を足裏部1に放射する。【選択図】図1