1. A method of cleaning the oral cavity comprising: a. installing in said oral cavity corresponding device for detection and removal of plaque from the surface of at least one tooth of said oral cavity, b. substantially simultaneous purification and irradiating said surface of said at least one tooth in said oral cavity, wherein said at least one tooth has applied thereto a fluorescent agent capable of binding to a touch on said surface at least one tooth, wherein the incident radiation has sufficient wavelength for fluorescent emission in contact with said fluorescent agent on the surface of said at least one tooth, c. collecting at least a portion of said fluorescent radiation over a first period of time, d. determining a first average amount of plaque (APV1) on the basis of said fluorescent radiation, collected during said first period of time, e. comparing said APV1 with a predetermined threshold amount of plaque (PPTV), wherein when said APV1 greater than or equal to said PPTV, the zatemf. collecting at least a portion of said fluorescent radiation over a second time period, g. determining a second average amount of plaque (APV2) on the basis of said fluorescent radiation, collected during said second period of time, h. a percentage reduction of said APV1 to said APV2, i. comparing said percent reduction APV1 with said predetermined threshold percentage reduction (PPRT), j. n1. Способ очистки полости рта, включающий:a. установку в указанной полости рта соответствующего устройства для обнаружения и удаления налета с поверхности по меньшей мере одного зуба указанной полости рта,b. по существу одновременное очищение и облучение указанной поверхности указанного по меньшей мере одного зуба в указанной полости рта, причем указанный по меньшей мере один зуб имеет нанесенный на него флуоресцентный агент, способный связываться с налетом на указанной поверхности по меньшей мере одного зуба, при этом падающее излучение имеет достаточную длину волны для обеспечения флуорес