Device (1) for use in eye surgery, which has a container (9) with a fluid (5), which is connected to a surgical handpiece through an irrigation line (12) for fluid delivery (5) for the washing of an operated eye (3), in which a support (8) electrically adjustable in its height is provided for supporting the container (9) and for adjusting the height (H) between the container ( 9) and the surgical handpiece, and in which a control for adjusting the height of the support (8) is provided to deliver the fluid (5) with an irrigation pressure predetermined by the operator by means of the surgical handpiece in the eye (3), characterized in that pressure application means (10) are provided that are configured for the application of an atmospheric overpressure (PATÜ) to the fluid (5) to be delivered in the irrigation line (12) from the container (9), and why the control is configured for regulation of the desired irrigation pressure both for the adjustment of the height (H) of the support (8), as well as for the regulation of the atmospheric overpressure (PATÜ) to be applied, and for which specification means configured by means of a power switch foot (7) for the specification of the irrigation pressure, and why the control first controls the pressure application means (10) for the application of atmospheric overpressure (PATÜ) with the activation of the foot switch (7) already Then, with a more intense actuation of the foot switch (7), it is configured for the subsequent increase in the desired irrigation pressure for the adjustment of the height (H) of the support (8).Dispositivo (1) para el uso en la cirugía ocular, que presenta un recipiente (9) con un fluido (5), que está conectado con una pieza de mano quirúrgica a través de una línea de irrigación (12) para la entrega del fluido (5) para el lavado de un ojo (3) operado, en el que está previsto un soporte (8) ajustable eléctricamente en su altura para soportar el recipiente (9) y para el ajuste de la altura (H) entre e