1. An apparatus for extracorporeal blood purification soderzhaschee- device (50) for controlling the opening and closing of the arterial line (2), with simultaneous closing and opening the venous line (3), a single lumen device (10) through which blood is taken through crude single lumen device (10) and the arterial line (2), is passed through the device (5) for cleaning the blood, and the purified blood is fed back through the venous line (3) and through the single lumen device (10), - the container (20 ), Arterial line, which is located in the arterial line (2) upstream of the device (5) for blood purification, - the container (30) the venous line, which is located in the venous line (3) after the device (5) for cleaning the blood, - a sensor device ( 31) for detecting that the amount of purified blood into the container (30) venous exceeds the limit value, - a sensor device (21) for detecting that the amount of untreated blood in the container (20), an arterial line is less than the limit value, - a device (22 ) etc. To close the arterial line for closing the arterial line (2), with simultaneous opening of the venous line (3) in response to the signal A, which is transmitted by the sensor device (31) into the device (22) for closing the arterial line, - a device (32) for closing a venous line for closing the venous line (3), with simultaneous opening of an arterial line (2) in response to the signal B, which is transmitted by the sensor device (21) into the device (32) for closing the venous line, and- at least one us1. Устройство для экстракорпоральной очистки крови, содержащее- устройство (50) управления для управления открыванием и закрыванием артериальной магистрали (2), с одновременным закрыванием и открыванием венозной магистрали (3), в однопросветном приспособлении (10), посредством которого неочищенную кровь забирают через однопросветное приспособление (10) и артериальную магистраль (2), пропускают через устройство (5) для очистки крови, и очищенную кровь