Найденко Виктор Константинович (RU),Калюга Василий Васильевич (RU),Базыкин Валентин Игоревич (RU)
The invention relates to agriculture, and is intended for growing pigs on factory farms. Modular pig farm comprising isolated intersectional with baffles lazami section with machines for lactating ewes with piglets suckling, for piglets for breeding and fattening, the length of which is determined by the formula Li = S HI / b i, where S HI -normativnaya i-area of the machine b i - width of machine i-th process group (i = l, 2, 3) provided with processing equipment, the wickets and technological passages, the number of machines in each section are different, and they are capable of both enlargement and disaggregation of capacity while maintaining the regulatory area for pigs, and on the walls of process passes next to each other are pivotally mounted with the possibility of fastening locks them portable partitions and gates machines which blanch passage portion of the process opposite the manway and grating area for manure removal is determined by formuleS nr = L × b rnrnrn = K x S HI / p, where:pH b - the width of the grating, L pH = Li grating length equal to the length of the machine To a lattice pH factor of K = pH (0.1-0.5) p - the number of times for the removal of manure term animal in this step, the number of sections depends on the adopted technology phase character keeping animals and machines in the suckling sections arranged in a row with a passage for maintenance. As wickets portable machines used baffles to be attached to the hinge bars of the two sides. Articulated constipation guiding portable partitions are made in the form of bushings and pins.3 PF . 5 fig.,Полезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству и предназначено для выращивания свиней на свинофермах. Модульная свиноферма включающая изолированные межсекционными перегородками с лазами секции со станками для подсосных маток с поросятами-сосунами, для поросят на выращивании и откорме, длины которых определяют по формуле Li=Sнi/bi, где Sнi-нормативная площадь i-того станка bi - ширина станка i-ой