FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to field of medicine. Continuous measurement of glucose concentration in pulsing streaming blood is carried out. During each cycle of measurements light-conducting or dispersing ability of blood for two irradiated wavelengths of the near infrared spectral region is repeatedly registered. Duration of measurement cycle is set in step-by-step way as integer multiple of pulse duration. The first of the two wavelengths of near infrared spectral region is selected from wavelength range 1560-1630 nm, the second of the two wavelengths of near infrared spectral region is selected from range 790-815 nm. Indicator value depending on glucose concentration in blood is calculated by ratio of light-conducting or dispersing ability of the two wavelengths with respect to blood temperature. Glucose concentration in blood is determined by comparison of indicator value with previously established calibration table. Device contains measuring cuvette with flattened out zone of transillumination for continuous pouring and discharge of blood one or several sources of light of near infrared spectral region for creation of light of near infrared spectral region with two different wavelengths at least, one sensor of near infrared spectral region device for measuring blood temperature means for determination of pulse duration unit of data registration and processing.EFFECT: group of inventions makes it possible to carry out contactless measurement of glucose concentration in streaming pulsing blood.2 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к области медицины. Проводят непрерывное измерение концентрации глюкозы в пульсирующей струящейся крови. Во время каждого цикла измерений многократно регистрируют светопропускную или рассеивающую способность крови для двух излученных длин волн ближней инфракрасной области спектра. Длительность цикла измерений настроена пошагово как целое кратное длительности пульса. Первая из двух длин волн ближней инфракрасной