A larynx mask (1) includes a cover plate (12) having a peripheral cull (13) adjoining thereon and is provided with a tube insertion connector (11) at the proximal end, while the tip (4) has a special design at the distal end. The cover plate 12 ends in the region of the tip on the cuff, or even before that, and the esophageal passage (18) runs as an open channel (20) over a constricted region (13) of the cuff (13). Said channel preferably includes a widening (22) and is delimited on both sides by reinforcement means (21), which are preferably formed by reinforcing walls (21) or additionally as reinforcing ribs (21). Said design of the lead-through of the esophageal passage results in a considerable reinforcement of the proximal tip of the larynx mask and therefore counteracts possible kinking of the tip (4).