The present invention is based on knowledge that basically, solid milk provided with both of adequate strength and solubility can be obtained by using only powdered milk as ingredient to be provided with compression molding under state where the porosity and the free fat is controlled within predetermined ranges, and then humidified and dried. Namely, solid milk having porosity of 30%-60%, and method of making solid milk including : a compression step for compressing powdered milk to obtain a solid form of compressed powdered milk ; a humidifying step for humidifying the compressed powdered milk obtained by the compression step ; and a drying step for drying the compressed powdered milk humidified by the humidifying step achieves the object of providing solid milk having preferred solubility and strength, and method of making the same.本發明之知識基礎在於基本上,可經由僅使用粉形乳作為成分,在將孔隙度及游離脂肪控制於預定範圍內之狀態下壓縮成型,然後增濕及乾燥,而製得具有適當強度及溶解度的固形乳。換言之,具30%-60%之孔隙度的固形乳,及包括下列步驟之固形乳製造方法:壓縮粉形乳以製得經壓縮粉形乳之固形的壓縮步驟;將藉由壓縮步驟而得之經壓縮粉形乳增濕的增濕步驟;及將經增濕步驟增濕之經壓縮粉形乳乾燥的乾燥步驟,可達成提供具較佳溶解度及強度之固形乳及其製造方法之目的。