An adhesive composition hot melt comprising a combination of the following components: a) from 10% to 40% by weight of an elastomeric block copolymer, having a structure represented by AB, ABA, A- (BA) nB or (AB) n, wherein a comprises a polyvinyl aromatic block having a Tg greater than 80 ° C, B comprises a rubbery midblock having a Tg lower than -10 ° C, Y comprises a multivalent compound, and n is an integer of at least 3, b) from 15% to 70% by weight of a first tackifying resin midblock having a softening point of at least about 110 ° C and having an aromatic content of at least about 1, 5% by weight c) 0 to 55% of a second tackifying resin midblock d) from 5% to 35% by weight of a plasticizer e) 0% to 20% by weight of a tackifying resin having a terminal block softening point lower than 125 ° C wherein the components making a total of 100% by weight of the composition, the viscosity of the composition is equal to or less than about 20,000 120 ° C, and can be applied at a temperature of 150 ° C, and which retention initial binding of the composition on elastic strands is at least about 60% and / or the elastic modulus G at 60 ° C is greater than about 5000, and the viscous modulus G "at 120 ° C is greater than about 50 Pa and tan delta value at 100 ° C is between about 0. 5 and about 60 .Una composición de adhesivo de fusión en caliente que comprende una combinación de los siguientes componentes: a) del 10% al 40% en peso de un copolímero de bloque elastomérico, que tiene una estructura representada por A-B, A-B-A, A- (B-A) n-B, o (A-B) n-Y, en la que A comprende un bloque aromático de polivinilo que tiene una Tg mayor de 80 º C, B comprende un bloque medio gomoso que tiene una Tg menor de -10 º C, Y comprende un compuesto multivalente y n es un número entero de al menos 3b) del 15% al 70% en peso de una primera resina adherente de bloque medio que tiene un punto de reblandecimiento de al menos aproximadamente 110 º C y que tiene un contenido aromático de