A self-retaining suture (100) includes a plurality of asymmetric retainers (200) along a portion of the suture body length. The self-retaining sutures also include retainers having an arcuate base (220). The retainer also has an underbody surface which is in contact with the body of the filament when retainer is pressed against filament, and the underbody surface has more than one angle with respect to the central axis of the suture body. A method of forming retainers includes use of a cutting apparatus having a unique configuration and cutting the retainers beginning at the base of the retainer and ending at the tip of the retainer. Previous methods of forming retainers on a suture have traditionally involved the use of blades that provide a smooth, even cut through the suture, starting the cut at the tip of the retainer and ending at the base of the retainer. In the present method, the blade enters via the tip, followed by rotation of the blade edge through the filament to produce sutures with asymmetric sides and an arcuate base.