The self-holding suture (100) includes a plurality of asymmetric retainers (200) along a portion of the suture body length. The self-holding suture also includes a retainer having an arcuate base (220). The method of forming the cage includes the use of a cutting device that has a unique configuration and that cuts out the cage to start at the base of the cage and end at the tip of the cage.自己保持縫合材(100)は、縫合材本体長の一部に沿って、複数の非対称な保持器(200)を含む。自己保持縫合材はまた、弓状基部(220)を有する保持器を含む。保持器を形成する方法は、固有の構成を有し、保持器の基部で開始し、保持器の先端で終了するように保持器を切り出す切出し装置の使用を含む。