The invention relates to a device for manually opening glass ampules (30)within thedevice, wherein the device comprises the following parts:a holder (1, 34) with side walls (34, 38) closed at least in sections as aholder (1, 34) ofglass ampules (30), wherein the holder (1, 34) comprises at least onedeformable closedside wall (38) and opposite the deformable side wall (38) a supporting elementisprovided,a strainer (54) and/or a filter (54) which is or are arranged below the holder(1, 34) sothat the content of the opened glass ampule (30) flows through the strainer(54) and/orthe filter (54),a first lever (46) which is pivoted around a first axis (48) in such a mannerthat it canrotate against the holder (1, 34), wherein a free end (50) of the first lever(46) can bepressed against the deformable side wall (38) of the holder (1, 34),a second lever (4) which is pivoted around a second axis (40) in such a mannerthat itcan be rotated against the holder (1, 34), wherein the second axis (40)divides thesecond lever into a short lever arm (44) and a long lever arm (42), whereinone end ofthe short lever arm (44) should be pressed through manual operation of thelong leverarm (42) against the first lever (46) in such a manner that the free end (50)of the firstlever (46) presses against the deformable side wall (38) and deforms said wallin such amanner that a glass ampule (30) which is located in the holder (1, 34) andwhichmatches the holder (1, 34) should be broken open by the pressure of the freeend (50)of the first lever (46).The invention further relates to a cementing device with such a device and toa methodfor opening a glass ampule (30) with such a device.