It refers to the control agent for plant growth soil, including 3-chloro-n (3-chloro-5-trifluoromethyl-2-pyridyl-α, α, α - trifluoromethyl-2, 6-dinitro-p-thyroxine as active component. Yamgood is a kind of softening and corruption control method used by control personnelREFERIDO A UN AGENTE DE CONTROL PARA SER APLICADO AL SUELO DE CULTIVO DE LA PLANTA, QUE COMPRENDE 3-CLORO-N-(3-CLORO-5-TRIFLUORMETIL-2-PIRIDIL)-ALFA, ALFA, ALFA-TRIFLUOR-2,6-DINITRO-P-TOLUIDINA COMO UN INGREDIENTE ACTIVO. YAMBIEN SE REFIERE A UN METODO DE CONTROL PARA LA PODREDUMBRE BLANDA QUE EMPLEA EL AGENTE DE CONTROL