Рогов Артем Валерьевич (RU),Левицкий Евгений Федорович (RU),Барабаш Роман Зотович (UA),Коршунов Сергей Дмитриевич (RU),Пашков Вячеслав Константинович (RU),Нечаева Елена Иннокентьевна (RU),Дорошева Тат
A method of rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy (CRH) in the form of spastic diplegia, of subjecting the bone and muscle apparatus, characterized in that after the thermotherapy, total and differential massage child placed in the simulator, which is a system of flexible rods with maintaining the axillary grip and operate an exercise in three phases, comprising: induction for 4-6 min, the principal for 17-20 min and final for 3-5 min, and at an introductory phase in the initial position (IP) sitting spend tilts his head back and forth 6-8 times in 2-3 approaches in slow motion, all movements are performed smoothly, then in the initial position is performed sitting tilted his head from side to side 6-8 times for 2-3 sets in slow motion, to continue to perform tightening - unclamping fingers into fists, 10-12 times, 2-3 sets, the rate of the average, then the original sitting position, hands on hips, perform squeezing-unclamping fingers into fists while flexion-extension at the elbows, at 10-12 times, 2-3 sets, slow pace, random breath then raise their hands during inspiration upwards, vydohevozvraschayutsya in IP, 4-6 times, 2-3 approach, the average rate, then IP sitting brush to raise the shoulders and rotation is carried out circular shoulder joints forward, then backward, 6-8 times in each direction, approach 2-3, an average rate, wherein the movement is performed with the maximum possible amplitude, hereinafter IP Lying on your back, arms along the body, perform alternate rise straight leg, 6-8 times for 2-3 sets, slow tempo, the leg should not be bent at the knee, then in the same IP performing bending of the legs at the knee, RMSСпособ реабилитации больных детским церебральным параличом (ЦРБ) в виде спастической диплегии, заключающийся в воздействии на костно-мышечный аппарат, отличающийся тем, что после проведения теплолечения, общего и дифференцированного массажа ребенка помещают в тренажер, представляющий систему эластичных тяг с поддерживающим по