PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To load a harvested agricultural product, an agricultural product to be planted, an agricultural work equipment, or the like in a field where the load is different from the place of storage and the height of the load receiving to hold the load, a luggage rack of a storage warehouse, and a loading platform of a transportation truck. Alternatively, it is transported to and from the receiving surface of the agricultural work equipment, and the labor of transferring the load between them is reduced so that the load can be transferred efficiently and safely. SOLUTION: An elevating pedestal 5 for moving a pedestal 50 provided above a self-propelled or towed vehicle frame 2 up and down, and a slide loading platform attached to the pedestal 50 of the elevating pedestal and advancing and retreating outward. 9. A loading surface provided on the upper part of the slide loading platform and a telescope type hydraulic cylinder 7a for advancing and retreating the slide loading platform are provided. FIG. 34.【課題】 農作業において、収穫された農作物・植付ける農作物又は農作業機器等の荷を荷置の場所と保持する荷受けの高さを異にする畑上と,保管倉庫の荷棚,運送トラックの荷台又は農作業装置の荷受面との間で運送し、又これらの間での荷の移載の労力を軽減し、効率的に且つ安全に移載できるようにする。【解決手段】 自走できる又は牽引される車両フレーム2に対して上方に設けた台座50を上下動させる昇降台5と、同昇降台の台座50に取付けられ外方に向って進退するスライド荷台9と、同スライド荷台の上部に設けられた荷載置面と、同スライド荷台を進退させるテレスコープ形油圧シリンダー7aとを設ける。【選択図】図34