The invention refers to a handheld injection device comprising a housing (10 210 410), a piston rod (30 230 530), defining a first longitudinal axis (I) and located within the housing (10 210 410), a driver (40 241, 242 500) coupled to the piston rod (30 230 530), a dose setting means (60, 70), which is rotatable about a second longitudinal axis (II) during dose setting, and optionally a power reservoir (90 290 510) for driving the driver (40 241, 242 500) and/or a release clutch (15, 45 300 506) preventing rotation of the driver (40 241, 242 500) during dose setting and allowing rotation of the driver (40 241, 242 500) during dose dispensing. The first longitudinal axis (I) is spaced from the second longitudinal axis (II).本發明有關於一種手持注射裝置,其係包括一殼體(10;210;410),界定第一縱軸線(I)及位於該殼體(10;210;410)內的一活塞桿(30;230;530),耦合至該活塞桿(30;230;530)的一驅動器(40;241,242;500),在劑量設定期間可繞著第二縱軸線(II)旋轉的一劑量設定構件(60,70),以及視需要的一能量貯器(90;290;510)用於驅動該驅動器(40;241,242;500)及/或一釋放離合器(15,45;300;506)防止該驅動器(40;241,242;500)在劑量設定期間旋轉以及允許該驅動器(40;241,242;500)在劑量分配期間旋轉。該第一縱軸線(I)與該第二縱軸線(II)隔開。10‧‧‧殼體20‧‧‧匣盒31‧‧‧外螺紋32‧‧‧縱向凹槽或軌道33‧‧‧軸承43‧‧‧驅動管45、46‧‧‧小齒輪70‧‧‧調撥總成71‧‧‧調撥握部80‧‧‧數字套筒81‧‧‧螺紋90‧‧‧能量貯器(馬達彈簧)I‧‧‧第一縱軸線II‧‧‧第二縱軸線