This invention reveals a novel dual photons emission computed tomography system and method thereof. The system can be used to image radioisotopes that emit two or more photons simultaneously. Instead of using collimator, the new system employs a coincident circuit with high temporal resolution. For each event, the system determines the possible source positions based on the time difference between the two detected photons. The detected events can be used to generate the activity distribution of the radioisotopes by a traditional image reconstruction method. The system does not require the 360° image acquisition. It can reduce the scanning time, the activity, and dose injected to the patient. A real time imaging is possible.本發明揭露一種雙光子發射性斷層掃描系統及方法,它適用於對同時發出兩個或以上光子的放射性同位素作造影,其捨棄了傳統造成系統靈敏度降低的準直儀,改而利用高時間解析度(temporal resolution)的同符電路系統(coincidence circuit),並藉由同時偵測到兩顆光子到達偵測單元的時間差異,推斷出每個事件發生時射源的可能位置,再以傳統影像重建(image reconstruction)方法,可產出射源的活度分布。本系統不需要360°旋轉作影像攫取,可以縮短掃描時間,並可用於即時成像(real time imaging),以及降低注入人體放射源的活度與劑量。10...雙光子發射性斷層掃描系統11...掃描平台12...待掃描組織13...放射源131...反應線14...正子斷層掃描裝置15...偵測單元P1~P2...位置