Fragrant water can be produced by melting and putting a flower extract, or a flower powder into water such as underground water, spring waters, purified water, bedrock water, underground water, water of water purifier, mineral water, boiled water, and the like, or by putting or floating real flower or processed flower into the water. Therefore, it is also possible to add additional vitamin or nutritional supplements, flavoring ingredients, carbonated water or ingredients creating sparkling effects as well.COPYRIGHT KIPO 20161.지하수나 온천수,정제수,암반대층수,지하수,정수기물,약숫물,끓인물등의 물에 꽃즙이나 꽃가루를 녹여넣거나, 생화꽃이나 가공꽃을 물에 넣거나 띄워 향긋한 물을 만든다.2.추가로 비타민이나 영양제등의 재료나, 맛을 내는 재료나,탄산수나 스파클링을 내는 재료를 첨가할 수 있다.