1. Agricultural harvesting machine (100) comprising: a self-propelled vehicle (102) having a front portion thresher receiving chamber (106) pivotally mounted on the front of the self-propelled vehicle (102) pneumatic tire (116) supporting the vehicle (102) for movement over the ground, the header (104) mounted on the front of self-propelled vehicle (102), hydraulic cylinders (202) connected to the self-propelled vehicle (102) and a receiving chamber thresher (106) therebetween and For raising and lowering the receiving threshing chamber (106) during extension and retraction of the hydraulic cylinders (202) valve (214) connected to hydraulic cylinders (202) for controlling hydraulic fluid flow to the hydraulic cylinders (202) from a source of hydraulic fluid under pressure for the hydraulic fluid from the hydraulic cylinder (202) into the reservoir circuit (208) controls the height of the header, further comprising an electronic unit (210) controls, coupled to a valve (214), wherein the COMPUTE I control circuit is operative to actuate the valve (214) for raising and lowering the header (104), the sensor (212) compressing tire coupled to the electronic circuit (210) controls, the tire compression sensor adapted to output to the electronic control unit ( 210) control signal indicative of the pressure of pneumatic tires (116) and a sensor (108) header height, configured to generate a signal indicative of the height of the header (104) relative zemli.2. Agricultural harvesting machine (100) according to claim 1, wherein the electronic unit (210) controls1. Сельскохозяйственная уборочная машина (100), содержащая:самодвижущееся транспортное средство (102), имеющее переднюю частьприемную камеру молотилки (106), шарнирно установленную на передней части самодвижущегося транспортного средства (102)пневматические шины (116), поддерживающие транспортное средство (102) для передвижения по землежатку (104), установленную на передней части самодвижущегося транспортного средства (1