1. A composition polymerizable mixture containing a liquid or semisolid component A, of at least one monomer component and a solid component B based on polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) with a filler and / or additives, wherein the liquid or semisolid component A further comprises at least one oligomeric or polymeric organopolysiloxane which modifies the monomer component and which is miscible with the monomer component selected from the group consisting of polydimethylsiloxanes (PDMS), polidifen lsiloksanov (PDPS), polymethylphenylsiloxanes (PMPS) and / or their smesey.2. The composition of the polymerizable mixture according to Claim. 1, characterized in that the solid component B and liquid or semisolid component A comprise initiating komponenty.3. The composition of the polymerizable mixture according to Claim. 1 or 2, characterized in that the proportion of oligomeric or polymeric compound in a liquid or semi-solid component A is in the range of from 0.1 to 50% by weight, preferably from 0.1 to 30% by weight, preferably from 0.5 to 25% by weight and particularly preferably from 1 to 20% by masse.4. The composition of the polymerizable mixture according to Claim. 1, characterized in that the organopolysiloxane is homogeneously miscible with the monomer component liquid or semisolid component A and / or preferably has a linear structure tsepi.5. The composition of the polymerizable mixture according to claim. 4, wherein the average number (n) of groups of a linear organopolysiloxane ranges from 2 to 500, preferably from 2 to 200, preferably from 5 to 200, preferably from 5 to 150, particularly preferably in the range of from 7 to 75, preferably from 7 to 50.6. The composition of the polymerizable mixture according to any one of claims. 4 or 5, characterized in that1. Композиция полимеризуемой смеси, содержащая жидкий или полутвердый компонент А, по меньшей мере, с одной мономерной составляющей, и один твердый компонент В на основе полиметилметакрилата (РММА) с напол