This Chong makees Ti Gong mono- Seed massagers, includes this Body of Yi Turn, mono- Turn Cover and Yi. The Turn Cover Let Yu The Turn Zuo And can phase Right Yu The Turn Zuo Turn Move , The Turn Cover have a Massage Department and one first limiting sectionThis Body has the portions Flooding Move and the one second limiting section The Turn Zuo Let what The Flooding Move portion oblique Like of Qie Cheng Pour, the portions The Flooding Move can Flooding Shi The Turn Zuo Turn Move, The the 2nd limits the first limiting sections of position portion With The and meets Touch, makes The Turn Cover not Sui The Turn Turn Move, in order to benefit, the 3D modes that the Massage Department of the portions The Flooding Move Flooding Shi The Turn Zuo Turn Move Time The Turn Zuo Hui Even Move The Turn Cover makees high and low fluctuating move Move, with Right institutes against Bu Wei Jin row different depth Qie More great Mian Plot press Pressure, therefore Neng Zeng Jin massage effect persons.本創作提供一種按摩器,包含有一轉座、一轉蓋及一本體。該轉蓋設於該轉座並可相對於該轉座轉動,該轉蓋具有一按摩部及一第一限位部;本體具有一驅動部及一第二限位部,該轉座設於該驅動部且呈傾斜狀,該驅動部可驅使該轉座轉動,該第二限位部與該第一限位部接觸,使該轉蓋不隨該轉座轉動,俾利,該驅動部驅使該轉座轉動時,該轉座會連動該轉蓋之按摩部作高、低起伏之3D方式移動,以對所抵靠之部位進行不同深度且較大面積之按壓,故能增進按摩效果者。