An one piece custom made dental device for holding multiple teeth comprises a mono block of dental Implants(4), Abutments (1), Supracrestally or supragingivaly Connecting bars (2) and pontics(3), Implant(4) is made up of flat and broad base (4.1) and implant body portion(4.4) having vertical thread(4.3), inverted thread (4.2), crestal supporting thread (4.5). Implant(4), Abutments(l) and pontics (2) are fabricated according to the individuals bone and gum data to form mono block structure without any screw and joints in such a manner to distribute stress and strain on integrated dental implants. Multiple implants are integrated through supracrystally or supragingivally connecting bars(2). The dental device of the present invention is designed to achieve faster placement and implantation process with minimal bone loss and minimal micro movements. The present device reduces time required for healing and cost of whole implantation and prosthesis process drastically.