The object of the present invention is to provide a method of manufacturing solid milk having better water solubility and keeping suitable hardness even when the powdered milk, which is hard to be molded, with low free fat is used.Solid milk has been manufactured by using powdered milk having small particle diameter which was passed through a sieve in order to obtain homogeneous solid milk. The present invention is based on the knowledge that solid milk having suitable hardness and water solubility can be obtained by using powdered milk having large particle diameter which have not been used for manufacturing the solid milk because it has been sieved.本發明的目的是提供一種製造固形乳的方法,該固形乳即使在使用具有低游離脂肪、難於成型的奶粉時,具有較好水溶解度且保持適當硬度。藉由使用具有通過篩網以獲得均勻固形乳的小粒徑的奶粉而製造固形乳。本發明係基於以下知識:具有適當硬度和水溶解度的固形乳是藉由使用具有已過篩而未用於製造固形乳的大粒徑奶粉而獲得。S100、S120、S130、S140、S160...步驟