Disclosed is a medical bite block (100), which is integrally formed, is provided for a user to bite, and is put into the oral cavity (O) of the user. The bite block (100) comprises a through-hole channel (1), an upper biting groove (2) and a lower biting groove (3). The through-hole channel (1) is arranged in the bite block (100) in a penetrating manner. One end of the through-hole channel (1) is provided with an inlet opening (11), and the other end thereof is provided with an oral cavity opening (12). The oral cavity opening (12) is used for communication with the oral cavity (O) of the user. The upper biting groove (2) is arranged on an upper surface of the bite block (100) in a concave manner. The lower biting groove (3) is arranged on a lower surface of the bite block (100) in a concave manner. The lower biting groove (3) is for being bitten by the lower row of teeth (T2). The upper biting groove (2) is for being bitten by the upper row of teeth (T1). The distance between the lower biting groove (3) and the oral cavity opening (12) is greater than the distance between the upper biting groove (2) and the oral cavity opening (12), and thus, the lower jaw of the user can be lifted and extended forwards, such that the upper jaw and the lower jaw of the user are malposed.Linvention concerne un bloc médical de morsure (100), qui est formé dun seul tenant, destiné à être mordu par un utilisateur et placé dans la cavité buccale (O) de lutilisateur. Le bloc de morsure (100) comprend un canal à trou traversant (1), une rainure de morsure supérieure (2) et une rainure de morsure inférieure (3). Le canal à trou traversant (1) est agencé dans le bloc de morsure (100) dune manière pénétrante. Une extrémité du canal à trou traversant (1) est pourvue dune ouverture dentrée (11) et lautre extrémité correspondante est pourvue dune ouverture (12) de cavité buccale. Louverture (12) de cavité buccale est utilisée pour une communication avec la cavité buccale (O) de lutilisateur. La