Yi Seed osteotome locators, including the resistances of a fixing piece, mono- Rod Body and one Block devices , The Rod Body Even connect what The fixing pieces, and the The resistances removable Move Let of Block devices set one end of Yu The Rod BodyThereby, the function of osteotome Block fastenings position, and the whole osteotome Shen Chu Long degree of Ju You Tone, Neng Quasi Indeed Tone can be provided, Drill Let Chuan Kong Time Shang osteotome Tooth slot bones can avoid causing Bi Sinus film Po Damage because exerting a force not When.一種骨刀定位器,包括一固定件、一桿體及一阻擋器,該桿體連接於該固定件,該阻擋器可移動的設置於該桿體的一端;藉此,能提供骨刀擋止定位的功能,且具有可調性,能準確的調整骨刀伸出的長度,骨刀在齒槽骨上鑽設穿孔時,可避免因施力不當而造成鼻竇膜的破損。