1. The method of supplying material to the target site of surgical intervention in the patient’s body, namely: insert the distal end of the cannula in the immediate vicinity of the target site, the cannula occupying the lumen; conduct part of the cavity-forming device through the lumen distally beyond the distal end; the action of the cavity-forming device for forming a cavity in the target area, while in the tissue of the target area between the distal end of the cannula and the cavity, a path is formed, the width being the diameter of this path is less than or equal to the width of the cavity; remove the cavity forming device from the cannula; insert the feeding tube into the lumen; direct the distal tip of the feeding tube distally beyond the distal end of the cannula along the path into the cavity; feed the material through the feed tube into the cavity. 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the distal end of the cannula remains relatively stationary during the steps of activating the cavity-forming device, removing the cavity-forming device, inserting the feeding tube and guiding the distal tip of the feeding tube into the cavity. The method according to claim 1, characterized by the absence of material, the distribution of which occurs in the track. The method according to claim 1, in which the target area is located inside the vertebra. The method of claim 1, wherein the material is a curable material. The method according to claim 1, further comprising: inserting the stylet through the lumen distally beyond the distal end to form a channel before the step of conducting part of the cavity-forming device through the lumen. The method according to claim 6, in which part of the cavity-forming device is inserted1. Способ подачи материала к целевому участку хирургического вмешательства в организм пациента, заключающийся в том, что:вставляют дистальный конец канюли в непосредственной близости от целевого участка, причем канюля занимает просвет;проводят часть