The present invention relates to a composition and its manufacturing process for anti-spot, whitening skin and improving dull yellowish skin color, characterized by combining natural plant extracts of bitter ginseng extract, aspartic extract, peony extract, stemoine extract, cortex mori radicis extract and ophiopogon extract and the like to form plant extract primary liquid (code: Trini) and subject to a special manufacturing process so as to achieve the efficacy of effectively reducing spots, whitening skin and improving dull yellowish skin color, as well as making the skin whitening, moisturizing, bright, compact.本發明為有關一種具有淡斑亮白肌膚及改善黯沉暗黃膚色之組合物方法及其製程,主要係由苦蔘萃取液、天門冬萃取液、白芍萃取液、百部萃取液、桑白皮萃取液及麥門冬萃取液等天然性植物萃取組合成為植物萃取原液(代號:Trini)並進行特殊製造流程,以達到得以有效淡斑亮白肌膚及改善黯沉暗黃膚色,並能使肌膚呈現淨白、保濕、明亮、緊緻之效果。10...植物萃取原液11...苦蔘萃取液12...天門冬萃取液13...白芍萃取液14...百部萃取液15...桑白皮萃取液16...麥門冬萃取液