A novel herbal drug formulation for the treatment of liver diseases and cancer and possesses immunomodulation, platelet augmentation and anti-oxidant effects. In one embodiment, the composition comprising: hot and clod ethanolic extract of leaves, water extract of leaves and root powder of Pellionia heyneana Wedd. The herbal drug composition present in the form of herbal granules comprising of natural and herbal constituents devoid of any harmful effects. The composition or formulation is perfectly balanced and blended for superior results. The herbal formulation possesses multiple therapeutic effects as hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory. It is an antioxidant, which prevents the formation of free radicals. This novel single herbal drug formulation also possesses anti-cancer and platelet augmentation effects. The formulation is perfectly balanced and blended for superior results. Based on the above multi therapeutic efficacy, the herbal drug formulation reveals its potent anti-cancer effect.