The present invention relates to a method for producing a health functional beverage, and more particularly, to a method for manufacturing a health functional beverage, which comprises: a step of cutting off the seeds from summer to autumn, washing the seeds in the sun after sunbathing, After picking the roots throughout the autumn, washed, and then dried in the shade, sandals and herbs are picked from April to October, washed and dried in the sun, and roots are picked in February or August, washed and thinly sliced, Dried shrubs in spring and fall, dried shiitake after washing in spring and autumn, sun-dried bamboo shoots in June to July, washed and dried in the sun, and roots in autumn , A preparation process for preparing a herb medicine containing sun dried licorice after washing in a can, and a preparation process for preparing a herbal medicine comprising 25% by weight of lavender, 25% by weight of lavender, 25% by weight of lavender, A mixture of 25% by weight of glue, 15% by weight of straw, 15% by weight of prolapse, 10% by weight of blueberry, 5% by weight of carnauba wax, 5% by weight of sorghum and 5% by weight of licorice; 18 kg of the prepared herbal medicine mixture is heated and heated at 120 ° C for 4 to 5 hours by using a circulating pressureless hot potator; The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a health functional beverage, characterized in that the hydrothermally treated raw material mixture is heat treated and extracted with a compactor and extracted and packaged in a retort pouch bag in 80 g units.본 발명은 건강기능성 음료 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 여름에서 가을에 걸쳐 전초를 베어 세정후 햇볕에 말린 까마중과;여름에 이삭이 절반쯤 시들때 전초를 채취후 세정후 햇볕에 말린 꿀풀과;봄과 가을에 걸쳐 뿌리채 채취해 세정후 그늘에 말린 짚신나물과;4월에서 10월 사이 꽃이 필때 채취해 세정후 햇볕에 말린 번행초와;2월 또는 8월에 뿌리를 채취해 세정후 얇게 썰어 햇볕에 말린 청미래덩굴과;봄과 가을에 걸쳐 전초를 베어 세정후 햇볕에 말린 쇠비름과;6월에서 7월 사이에 죽순 또는 새순과 잎, 줄기를 채취해 세정후 햇볕에 말린 조릿대와;가을에 뿌리를 캐내 세정후 햇볕에 말린 감초를 포함한 생약재를 준비하는 전처리 공정과;전처리 준비된 까마중, 꿀풀, 짚신나물, 번행초, 청미래덩굴, 쇠비름,조릿대,감초를 각각 계근하여,까마중 25중량%, 꿀풀 25중량%, 짚신나물 15중