In accordance with at least one exemplary embodiment, a syringe device, methodand system for delivering a therapeutic amount of ozone are disclosed. A sterilitycase can enclose a syringe portion and can maintain sterility while the syringedevice is interfaced to an ozone generator. A valvably-controlled fluid channelcan extend from the barrel of the syringe through the case. Conducting elementscan be attached to the case and can breach the case. The conductive elements canbe connected to electrodes. The electrodes can be attached to the syringe. Thesyringe portion can be filled with oxygen gas via the valvably-controlled fluidchannel. An electric current can be provided to the conductive elements froman ozone generator resulting in a corona discharge from at least one electrode.A therapeutic amount of ozone gas can be produced from the oxygen gas and the syringedelivered into the sterile field without compromise.