An ozone sterilization and drying apparatus and mehod thereof are provided. The apparatus includes a sealable cabinet, an ozone generator, a temperature-controlling/damping/dehumidifier system, an inter cycle system and a detecting and monitoring apparatus. The ozone generator generates dry ozone in the cabinet. The temperature-controlling/damping/dehumidifying system adjusts the temperature in the cabinet and damps the dry ozone. The inter cycle system cycles the dry ozone and the damp ozone in the cabinet. The detecting and monitoring apparatus detects the temperature and moisture in the cabinet and the concentration of the ozone in the cabinet and controls the ozone generator, the temperature-controlling/damping/dehumidifying system and the inter cycle system to maintain the cabinet in a predetermined range of temperature, moisture and ozone concentration.一種臭氧消毒乾燥裝置與其方法。此裝置包括:可封閉的腔體、臭氧產生裝置、溫控/加濕/除濕系統、腔體內部循環系統及感測監控裝置。臭氧產生裝置用以提供乾燥臭氧至腔體。溫控/加濕/除濕系統,調整腔體內溫度,並對乾燥臭氧進行加濕。腔體內部循環系統使乾燥臭氧及加濕後的臭氧在腔體內循環。感測監控裝置感測腔體內的溫濕度及臭氧濃度,並根據測得的溫濕度、臭氧濃度來控制臭氧產生裝置、溫控/加濕/除濕系統與腔體內部循環系統的動作,使腔體維持在預定的溫濕度及臭氧濃度範圍。100‧‧‧臭氧消毒乾燥裝置102‧‧‧腔體106‧‧‧溫控/加濕/除濕系統114‧‧‧腔體內部循環系統124‧‧‧顯示/控制介面125‧‧‧感測監控裝置150‧‧‧門