the invention relates to a method for inhibiting the adhesion of a cell to another and to interfere with the interaction between the receptor and its ligand extracellular matrix.the invention is based on the discovery that the extracellular matrix receptor alpha4beta1 promotes the adherence of lymphocytes to endothelial cells via binding to a peptide sequence identified.prior to the present invention, the ligand of the receptor had not been identified alpha4beta1, just as we didnt know the function of the receptor binding alpha4beta1 in preventing the interaction between the receptor and its ligands alpha4beta1 by use of antibodies or peptides of defined sequence, the present invention allows for the first time to respond specifically to the migration of lymphocytes through the vascular endothelium. in the tissue.therefore, the present invention provides a clinically useful in the removal of specific immune response in a variety of ways and specific embodiment of the invention, the adherence of lymphocytes to the endothelium may be inhibited in the system or can \u00e9ventuellemen t, be located in specific tissues or regions identified.accordingly, the present invention allows for the treatment of diseases involving autoimmune responses as well as other chronic or relapsing activations of the immune system, including allergies, asthma, and chronic inflammation of the skin and.Linvention concerne un procédé permettant dinhiber ladhésion dune cellule sur une autre et consistant à interférer dans linteraction entre le récepteur matriciel extra-cellulaire et son ligand. Linvention se fonde sur la découverte que le récepteur matriciel extra-cellulaire alpha4beta1 favorise ladhésion des lymphocytes sur des cellules endothéliales via la fixation sur une séquence de peptides définis. Avant la présente invention, le ligand du récepteur alpha4beta1 navait pas été identifié, tout comme on ignorait la fonction du récepteur alpha4beta1 dans la fixation des lymphoc