Orthopedic bed, creating a comfortable state of a person during rest and sleep, as well as forced long-term presence in the supine position with the disease or during rehabilitation.Bed bed (FIG. 1) is equipped with a mechanical movable segments (2), fitted on vertical metal rods (3) and fixed in certain positions of the ratchet mechanisms (5, 6). Because of this bed is transformed in such a way that the relief of its surface closely follows the curves of the pelvis, torso, neck and back of the head lying man.Thus, hips, waist, back and neck User beds are "immersed" in the recesses formed by the pressed segments. Nearby the segments, thus form a sort of soft corset, creating additional support for the body, the human head and neck, removing the excessive load on the spine, neck, and shoulder joints.Again changing the posture, the user presses the lever (12, 13). Stretched around the internal space of cables (10) driven mechanism entire bed bed. Each cable pulls attached thereto frame ratchet (5) with the pawl (6), after which the rod (3) changes to the state of free motion and entrained spring (4) slides through the hole supporting flange-pipe (14), pushing up rigidly rectangular working segment (2) fixed to itself. The movable segments (2) under the coated cloth (1) re-create a single relief repeating bends lying body, and again enter into it in their poluobyatiya. The user releases the handle (12, 13), the wire tension weakens, the frame (5) with ratchets (6) are fixed rods (3) in the position in which they are stopped, and the entire structure becomes a stable state maintaining comfort and peace.Springs orthopedic bed made with consideration of the weight of its user, a calculation step determining the weight difference of 20 kgs, from 50 kgs.Ортопедическая кровать, создающая комфортное состояние человеку во время отдыха и сна, а также при вынужденном длительном нахождении в лежачем состоянии при заболевании или в период реабилитации.Ложе кровати (Фиг. 1) оснащен