provided is includes a non-spherical and / or non-rolling of the abrasive cleaning particles from a foamed structure including a plurality of partition walls, cleaning and / or is a cleansing liquid composition, abrasive cleaning particles comprise a plurality of filler particles incorporated into at least partly abrasive cleaning the particle, the particle size of the abrasive cleaning particles is larger than the particle size of the filler particles, the abrasive cleaning particles, ISO 9276-6 to the average area equivalent diameter as measured according to the ratio of the average area equivalent diameter of the filler particles is 0.01 to 0.2提供されるのは、複数の隔壁を含む発泡構造体に由来する非球状及び/又は非転がり性の研磨洗浄粒子を含む、洗浄及び/又はクレンジング用液体組成物であるが、研磨洗浄粒子は、少なくとも部分的に研磨洗浄粒子内に取り込まれた複数の充填剤粒子を含み、研磨洗浄粒子の粒径が、充填剤粒子の粒径よりも大きく、研磨洗浄粒子の、ISO 9276-6にしたがって測定される平均面積相当直径に対する、充填剤粒子の平均面積相当直径の比率が、0.01~0.2である。