PURPOSE: An agricultural and marine product vacuum, compression and cooling storing method is provided to reduce the conventional vast distribution process and distribution cost, and to prevent degradation of merchantable quality which can occur in many distribution steps. CONSTITUTION: According to an agricultural and marine product vacuum, compression and cooling storing method, crop is harvested and size grade is classified by a selector. The selected crop is cleaned by showering of water washing and high pressure air according to the kind of crop. The crop is packaged in an exclusive vinyl pack till 0.5 Kg bulk using a package vacuum and compression packaging apparatus through vacuum-compression in various units of package according to the taste of a consumer. The packaged crop is stacked in a regular pallet by being put into paper, timber and plastic boxes in order to be immediately released in the market. The stacked pallet is stored in a low temperature storehouse. [Reference numerals] (1) Harvest crops (2) Classify the crops by size and grade (3) Shower &lsqbwith water, high pressure air shower according to the kind of crops&rsqb (4) Package the crops in an exclusive plastic pack by vacuum-compression in various units from 0.5 kg to a bulk according to the taste of a consumer (5) Stack the crops in a regular pallet by putting into paper, timber, and plastic boxes in order to immediately release the products in the market (6) Store in a low temperature storehouse (AA) Store the products in order to immediately release in the market농.수산물 기존냉장저장방법인 수확후 냉장저장방법에 단점인 수분증발,영양소파괴,부폐로인하 상품성저하를 현저히줄이고 농.수산물에 집중출하로 인하가격 폭락을줄일뿐 아니라 진공.압축.냉장저장방법으로 저장기간을 연장시켜 농.수산물의 수매를 쌀뿐만이아니라 여러 가지작목에 적용하여 알맞은양에 농수.산물을 재배 수확할수있다