The claimed invention relates to the field of medical instruments intended for measurement of pressure, pulse, temperature, and alcohol vapors in exhaled air. Based on the obtained measurement data the medical worker is able to decide about the admission or refusal personnel (driver) for operation. Also, a technical solution is equipped with modules for authorization of a human, such as video-recording and fingerprint sensor.Tehnicheskim result is the elimination of the lack of analogue and prototype: expansion of the range of the measured parameters of the human body and reduce the time to carry out this event. The stated technical result is achieved by a device for measuring the parameters of the human body, consisting of devices, the read data signals and processing interconnected cable ties and nutrition. In this device, the read data is the block in which are mounted a pressure sensor and pulse sensor control board sensor alcohol vapors in exhaled air, a temperature sensor device, processing data is a unit on which are mounted camera, speaker, microphone, display, thermal printer, the device management board that processes the data to transmit the data to the Internet, the pressure measuring start button and pulse, a fingerprint authentication sensor, wherein Arrange Twa, receive and process data are interconnected permanently due to power supply and communication. 1 yl.Заявленная полезная модель относится к области медицинских измерительных приборов, предназначенных для измерения давления, пульса, температуры и паров алкоголя в выдыхаемом воздухе. На основании полученных данных измерений медицинский работник имеет возможность вынести решение о допуске или недопуске сотрудника (водителя) к работе. Также техническое решение оснащено модулями для авторизации обследуемого человека, такими как видеофиксатор и дактилоскопический сенсор.Техническим результатом является устранение недостатком аналога и прототипа: расширение спектра измеряемых параметров организма чело