Method for processing of the cucumbers of the Nizhyn variety. The salting process is performed in the glass containers with capacity from 1 to 3 l; the water chemical composition if “average” (the total mineralization is within 200 - 350 mg/m3, the concentration of the Ca is from 15 to 25 mg/m3; the mass concentration of the salt in the brine: for the fruits of size up to 9 cm - 60 g/l, for the fruits of size 9-11 cm - 70 g/l; the fruits of the cucumber are subjected to fermentation in two stages: the first - the previous (active) is carried out at + 18 ... 24 ° C for 72 hours before accumulation of the acid in the brin, which is titrated, 0.3 – 0.4 %. The second – the final fermentation of the cucumbers occurs during the initial period of product’s storage in the cold rooms at temperature from 0 to +2 °C, or in the storage facilities at temperature above +10 ° C until the accumulation in the brin of the acid, which is titrated 0.6 %; the generally known recipe of spices (the hashed green mass of the dill in the phase of the technical maturity - 400 g; the juicy horseradish root, peeled and chopped into “noodles” or rounds of the size of 0.5 cm – 60 g; the hashed fresh fruits of the bitter pepper in the phase of the technical maturity - 10 g; the peeled and hashed garlic - 70 g; the green mass of the tarragon wormwood - 50 g) includes the spicy taste vegetable, named Moldovan Dracocephalum (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) in the phase of the early flowering in the amount of 50 g per 10 kg of cucumbers.Способ переработки плодов огурца нежинского сортотипа. Засол производится в стеклянной таре, емкостью от 1 до 3 л; вода по химическому составу «средняя» (общая минерализация: от 200 до 350 мг/м3, содержание Са: от 15 до 25 мг/м3; рассол следующей массовой концентрации поваренной соли: для плодов, размером до 9 см - 60 г/л, для плодов, размером 9-11 см - 70 г/л; плоды огурца подвергают ферментации в две стадии: первая - предварительная (активная) – осуществляется при темпер