Демчук Евгений Владимирович (RU),Кобяков Иван Демидович (RU),Браулик Роман Александрович (RU)
The invention relates to agricultural engineering and can be used in sowing machines. Coulter drills comprising working elements connected bracket and installed at an angle to each other in a horizontal plane in the direction of motion and at an angle of tilt in the vertical plane semyanapraviteli racks, integral with the working elements on racks from the back side at the bottom of cutouts a convergence angle, the forward direction. Each working member is a plate with a sharpened tip and a straight profile of the bottom edge, the top of the working elements are rigidly fixed tukonapraviteli, outside the profile of the rectilinear lower edge struts cutouts. Rectilinear sections of the lower edges of the operating elements are arranged below the straight sections of the lower edges of the racks. At the bottom of each column frontal surface is formed at an angle of 20 ° ≤τ≤50 ° to the vertical plane. Proposed coulter seeding provides a double band with a width of 40 mm strips with the distance between the webs of at least 90 mm. Mineral fertilizers are located below the level of the primary seed culture, the soil layer is formed of at least 30 mm between the layers of seeds and fertilizers. The layers of seeds and fertilizers do not mix, which eliminates chemical burn seeds. Seeds are reflected from the front surface of the rack, formed in the bottom thereof, at an angle of 20 ° ≤τ≤50 ° to the vertical plane are placed on compacted bed uniformly with depth seals and nutrition area, top soil backfilled wet layer. The use of this opener drills will improve the yield of grain crops by 10 ... 15%.Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению и может быть использована в посевных машинах. Сошник сеялки, содержащий рабочие элементы, соединенные кронштейном и установленные под углом друг к другу в горизонтальной плоскости по направлению движения и под углом крена в вертикальной плоскости, семянаправители, стойки, выполненные заодно с рабочими элементами, на