1. An electrode device (11) for use in transcranial electrostimulation, containing an electric current-transmitting electrode (15, 31), intended for the functional transfer of electricity to the patient’s ear region, characterized in that said electrode is located on the outer periphery of the audio earphone (12), which is suitable for installation at or inside the ear canal of the patient’s ear, while the electrode has an electric contact area for the functional transfer of electricity between the electrode and the patient’s skin from the mouth updated electrode device. ! 2. The electrode device according to claim 1, in which the electrical contact is a contact surface layer, when used open for direct contact with the skin of the patient. ! 3. The electrode device according to claim 1, in which the electrical contact is an electrically conductive coating (16), made for the electrode itself. ! 4. The electrode device according to any one of claims 1 to 3, in which the electrode is located on the electrically insulating edge (14) of the audio headphone. ! 5. The electrode device according to claim 4, in which the electrode is made in the form of a ring (15) surrounding an electrically insulating edge. ! 6. The electrode device according to any one of claims 1-3, which forms one of a pair of electrode devices, in which case the audio headphones are a pair of stereo headphones of a substantially standard type.1. Электродный прибор (11) для использования в транскраниальной электростимуляции, содержащий передающий электрический ток электрод (15, 31), предназначенный для функциональной передачи электроэнергии в область уха пациента, отличающийся тем, что указанный электрод расположен на внешней периферии аудио наушника (12), который подходит для установки во входе слухового канала уха пациента или внутри него, при этом электрод имеет область электрического контакта для функциональной передачи электроэнергии между электродом и кожей пациента с установленным электродным при