Herein, the synthesis of N,Ndiallyl morpholinium monomers and polymerization of the same to form rings at high yield and purity are explained. The process involves the synthesis of N,Ndiallyl morpholinium bromide and chloride and subsequently partially or completely exchanging their anions with borate, p-toluenesulfonate, oleate, and acetate anions. The cyclopolimerization of monomers yields water soluble polymers carrying quaternary ammonium groups in each repeated unit, whose aqueous solutions act as a bactericide solution. These solutions are advantageous in preparation of antibacterial formulations intended for domestic use. The polymer with bromide and borate anions is an efficient antibacterial which is able to kill “Pseudomonas Aeruginosa”, the hardest hospital bacterium to cope with, as well as various common bacteria. These formulations are suitable for producing bactericide wet wipes and forming abacterial surfaces and, when combined with air conditioners, generating bacteria free air.