Rice, as we know, consists of major portion of Indian diet. The present invention relates to nutrition enriched rice snack with improved crispiness, taste, flavour, colour and appealing visual, and process of preparing such a rice snack. The present invention deals with the method or the process to manufacture a rice snack product "Rice Crispy". The Rice Crispy manufacturing includes a varied list of processes which has to be conducted on the rice grain so that it becomes a nutri-snack. The various processes include cleaning, additive mixing, cooking, cooling, de-hydrating and flying. The processes have to be done according to a proper sequence so as to get the desired end product, "Rice Crispy". Any deviation from the said method will cause an error not leading to the said product. The invention consists of the exact number of stages and the number of repetitiveness required for the stages for the manufacture of the product. The invention also deals with the correct sequencing of the stages, hence giving a complete description of the process for the product