The present invention is related to a needle protection device to be mounted to the injection device, or used in the injection device, the device can be fixed or is fixed a) needle (1), b) the injection device Needle holder can and a (2), (1) is projecting distally needle therefrom, the needle holder and have projecting c) the needle holder (2), radially from the needle and a restraining devices that are spaced a distance and (3), d) a needle guard element (6). In e) radially in a proximal direction, moving to the released position the needle (1) is released, the needle guard element in the distal direction, between (3) and the stopper device (1) needle , can be moved to the protective position out of the release position, surrounds the (1) needle, including the tip of the needle, in f) the protective position, it is moved in the proximal direction once again be restrained restrained device (3) that. The present invention relates to the injection needle (1) in a manner to be displaced distally from a proximal position, the safety member, g) the safety element (10, 15) of the needle protection element (1) needle are disposed radially between the (6), provided with (8) engaging element comprises a (11) engaging element, which safety member (5) h) the needle guard part (4) , engage each other needle guard portion (6) enters the release position, when i) the element is engaged with each other, while moving to the protected position, the safety member needle protection element (10, 15) and is characterized in that it is the follower. [Selection Figure 9本発明は、注射装置に使用されるか又は注射装置に装着される針保護装置に関しており、同装置は、a)注射針(1)と、b)注射装置に固定されるか又は固定することができる針ホルダー(2)であって、そこから注射針(1)が遠位方向に突き出ている、針ホルダーと、c)前記針ホルダー(2)から突き出ていて、注射針から半径方向に距離を空けて配置されている制止装置(3)と、d)針保護要素(6)を備えている。前記針保護要素は、e)半径方向に、近位方向に、注射針(1)と制止装置(3)の間を、注射針(1)が解放される解放位置まで動かし、遠位方向に、解放位置を出て、針の先端を含めて注射針(1)を取り囲む保護位置まで動かすことができ、f)保護位置では、再び近位方向に動くことは制止装置(3)によって制止される。本発明は、g)安全部材(10、15)が、前記注射針(1)に関し、安全部材を近位側の位置から遠位方向に変位させるやり方で、注射針(1)と針保護要素(6)の間に半径方向に配