The invention relates to the agricultural engineering, in particular to the openers, used in the seeding machines, doing narrow-row planting of the seeds of different crop plants, including flax seeds. It is suggested a narrow-row opener, wherein the soil gauging means and the furrow formation means are coincident and designed as a removably fastened in respect of the seed drill tube knife of variable cross-section, having a keel area, designed as a plate and continuously adjacent to it a furrow formation area, having a bifurcated V-shaped form of the vertical transverse and horizontal projections, the passage from the knife front edge to the bottom edge and the knife bottom edge in the boiling zone being executed as a circular arc having a radius R1, the knife bottom edges in the furrow formation zone being executed as a circular congruent arcs having radius R2, and the passage between the keel and furrow formation areas being designed as a circular congruent arcs having radius R3, the circular arcs having radiuses R1, R2, and R3 forming continuous wavelike multistage edge, bifurcated in the furrow formation area, and the circular arcs having radiuses R1, R2 in the vertical axial projection having a common tangent, located under angle α to the horizontal surface, the knife bottom edge being designed radially rounded, the guide channels being formed at each of two rear edges of the knife in the area of a corresponding seed guider outlet location area, and a casing supplied with at least one valve, located in the seed guiders outlets area, being installed in the seed guiders and the knife rear ends area, the divider shape and the casing shape being chosen in accordance with the knife shape in their transition area.2Изобретение относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, в частности к сошникам, используемым в посевных машинах, производящих узкорядный посев семян различных сельскохозяйственных культур, в том числе семян льна. Предложен узкорядный сошник, в которо