Закрытое акционерное общество "Инновационный центр "Бирюч" (ЗАО "ИЦ "Бирюч") (RU)
Левин Марк Николаевич (RU),Белозерских Мария Ильинична (RU),Левина Анна Марковна (RU)
1. A method for producing microcrystalline cellulose, comprising preparing pulp from raw sugar beet pulp and 95% humidity, the supply of pressed pulp in softened water temperature 40-45 ° C, feeding the ozone in 5-7 minutes from the start of feeding the pulp within 5 20 minutes for a total washing time of 5-25 minutes, the centrifuge spinning or other squeezing equipment supplying pressed pulp in softened water temperature 40-45 ° C, washing for 5-25 minutes, the centrifuge spinning or other squeezing equipment supply wrung pulp into a solution containing conductive softened or osmosis water at 30-36 ° C and an alkaline reagent KOH at pH = 10,0-10,4, 2/3 pitch calculated volume of hydrogen peroxide, slow controlled heating to a temperature of 50-55 ° C, adding 1 / 6 calculated amount of hydrogen peroxide, gradual heating to 60-65 ° C, adding 1/6 the estimated volume of hydrogen peroxide, increase of temperature to 70-90 ° C for 20-45 minutes, with a total time of 1-3 hours bleaching, spin at squeezing centrifuge or other equipment in the pulp supply wrung softened water temperature 60-80 ° C, washing for 5-20 m Inuit, spinning in a centrifuge or other squeezing equipment wrung feeding pulp into softened or osmosis water at 60-80 ° C, washing for 5-20 minutes, the centrifuge spinning or squeezing other equipment in the pulp supply wrung osmotic water at 30- 60 ° C, to form a hydronic 1: 10-1: 30, finely dispersed flow of ozone in the flow of purified air for 15-45 minutes, the supply of steam through the acid 8-10 minutes from the start of supplying ozone to the bubble size of 10-30 microns , temperature 110-170 ° C, with steam condensate pH 4-5 at PRESSURE1. Способ получения микрокристаллической целлюлозы, включающий приготовление пульпы из сырого жома сахарной свеклы влажностью до 95%, подачу отжатой пульпы в умягченную воду температурой 40-45°C, подачу озона через 5-7 минут от момента начала подачи пульпы, в течение 5-20 минут при общем времени промывки 5-25 минут