drawer system designed for use in ranching for the purpose of confining frogs in vertical or horizontal structure, equipped with feed rider for ranaries of any size
It is not possible to detail similarities and differences with other vertical systems, which is a semi-flooded system with feed troughs, consisting of drawer (1), with rectangular pool (1a) in the center, with drain and step in the contour. long, narrow, tapered, hollow-bottomed rectangular trough (1b) arranged at the ends parallel to the pool (1a), parallel step (1c) forming transverse step (1d), rising from the trough (1b) to the pool ( 1a). drawer (1), housed in a building-like, modulated upright compartment (2), consisting of a table base (2a), similar to a topless table, which has overlapped main module (2b), similar to a box without bottom and uncapped, overlapping one another in succession, have opposite walls in mesh, and the others, with access door (2ba) in mesh with window at the bottom and top with insurmountable material, sloping inwards, opening outwards and downwards. modulated vertical structure (2), with trough feed system (3), similar to pi0811064-6, consisting of support pulley (3a) attached to the table base (2a) and the higher main module (2b), for example. where the conductor cable (3b) passes, forming a frame, which is connected to the articulated lever (3c), which moves the trough axis (3d), supported by bearing (3e), fastened at two lateral points and two opposite opposite of the table base (2a) and each main module (2b), positioned and adjusted to allow each trough axis (3d) to be inserted into the slot of each trough (1b) in the placement of the drawer (1) in the housing of the modulated vertical structure (2).não é possível detalhar semelhanças e diferenças com outros sistemas verticais, sendo o que se apresenta, um sistema semi-inundado com cochos para ração, constituído de gaveta (1), com piscina retangular (1a) ao centro, com dreno e degrau no contorno, cocho retangular (1b) longo, estreito e afunilado com fundo vazado, disposto nas extremidades e paralelo a piscina (1a), degrau paralelo (1c), que forma degrau transversal (1d), crescen