Шамсутдинов Ильгиз Ильдусович (RU),Хайров Фердинанд Фаткерахманович (RU),Исламов Ильгиз Закиянович (RU),Бочагин Александр Иванович (RU),Урманчеев Василь Линардович (RU),Фахрутдинов Фарит Фатхулисламов
The invention relates to agricultural machinery, to devices for monitoring and warning about the implementation of the process agricultural units, in particular for seeding control sowing complexes.The objective of the claimed utility model is to create a universal, more informative and reliable operational control system and simplify its installation and repair sowing complexes.The problem is solved thanks to that a universal system operational control seeding with multi-channel sensors seed flow, comprising a processing unit and indicating system status and multichannel sensors seed flow, each of which comprises an electronic circuit connected to the sensing elements separate communication channels, new is that the number of multi-seed flow sensors corresponding to the number of distributors of sowing seed hoses complex, the number of sensitive elements to azhdogo multichannel transmitter correspond to the number of seed hoses valves, multichannel detectors connected together and with the unit of processing and the status display system according to the configuration of sowing complex communication cable, the state of each sensing unit of each multichannel transmitter is displayed on the processing unit in the cockpit of seeding machine, informing about the status of each of the vas deferens.- In addition the status of each sensor is displayed and the indicator light in multichannel sensor seed flow.- In addition, further comprises a communication cable connected to the processing and display unit system state, filling hoppers sensors corresponding to the number of seed hoppers and seed set information displayed on the fullness hoppers processing unit.- In addition, further comprises a communication cable connected to the processing unit and display system status, fan speed sensor and a rotational sensor of the dispenser, informing the operator of the parameters of their rotation.Currently produced seeding systems of various configurations and equipment units, suc