Designed for use in public health, the invention is intended to provide a practical, inexpensive solution to rid the neuropathic patient of lower and upper limb discomfort when he needs to put on his socks, gloves and other items. of clothing, due to the pain caused by the friction that occurs between the material of the clothing and your skin. These are pieces made of thin and smooth plastic - which are painless to wear - in the form of socks and gloves, which the patient will put on their hands and feet before wearing their pieces of fabric, and which will act as an insulator. between your skin and the fabric of the actual pieces. The protectors are detachable at strategic points in their structure to facilitate their removal after the actual pieces have been worn. the detachable sections coincide with the perimeter and top and bottom of the socks, and the perimeter and outer lateral region of the glove barrel, as shown in figure 1 (paragraphs 1 to 6). Petition 870170088215, of 14/11/2017, p. 3/122/2 the pieces may be of short barrel and wrist (fig. 1), for patients suffering from paresthesias only in the hands and feet, or long barrel and wrist (fig. 2), for those whose paraesthesia also affects legs and forearms, and may be marketed in a version containing a layer of neutral powdered substance on the inner side which will act as a friction inhibitor (according to claim 3), preventing plastic parts from sticking to the patient's skin due to the presence of any moisture level, making it even easier to remove.concebido para ser utilizado na área da saúde pública, o invento destina-se a oferecer uma solução prática e de baixo custo para livrar o paciente neuropata do desconforto nos membros inferiores e superiores no momento em que precisa calçar as suas meias, luvas e demais peças do vestuário, em função da dor provocada pelo atrito que ocorre entre o material das vestimentas e a sua pele. trata-se de peças confeccionadas em plástico fino e liso - que não causam do