The invention relates to a comforter intended for children who have their primary or permanent dentition and whose central and lateral incisors have fully erupted, comprising in particular an intra-oral part (C), which has a hook-shaped lower incisor groove (2) comprising an inclined bite plane (6), the hollow of the groove and a retro-incisor return of reduced thickness. The intra-oral part can also have two opposite labial grooves (4) and (5), an upper incisor groove (1) opposite the groove (2) and separated therefrom by the inclined bite plane (6), and also a lingual bulb (3) centred on the upper part of the retro-incisor return of the groove (2), favouring the upper and forward position of the tongue. The invention further relates to a personalized comforter which, in the incisor groove (1) and/or in the incisor groove (2), has the impression of the incisors of the child for whom said personalized comforter is intended.