This invention represents a newly undiscovered means for suppressing and destroying insects by preventing their flight and the operation of the tracheal system. The present invention acts in such a way that in the form of a dispersed liquid (spray) it is brought into physical contact with an insect. The method of action is based on the formation of a thin liquid layer on the surface of the insect which prevents the insect movement and physical activity of the surface forces of the fluid on the movement organs and the insect tracheal system which prevents the insect and breathing movement, that is, the lethal effect is achieved. The composition of the present invention enters 5-20% by weight of anionic surfactants up to 10% of non-ionic surfactants 10-20% ethanol to 5% glycerol water. It is also possible to include other components.Ovaj pronalazak predstavlja novo neotkriveno sredstvo za suzbijanje i uništavanje insekata onemogućavanjem njihovog letenja i rada trahealnog sistema. Ovaj pronalazak deluje tako što se u obliku raspršene tečnosti (spreja) dovodi u fizički kontakt sa insektom. Metod delovanja se zasniva na formiranju tankog tečnog sloja na površini insekta čime se sprečava kretanje insekata i fizičkom delovanju površinskih sila tečnosti na organe kretanja i trahealni sistem insekta čime se sprečava kretanje insekata i disanje, odnosno, ostvaruje se letalno dejstvo. U sastav predmetnog pronalaska ulazi 5-20% mase anjonskih surfaktanata do 10% nejonskih surfaktanata 10-20% etanola do 5% glicerola voda. Opciono moguće je uključiti i druge komponente.